Original Fuzz Goes to Summer NAMM 2016
Last month, we set up a booth at Summer NAMM 2016 around the corner from our new shop in South Nashville. It was a lot of fun and we can't wait to go back next year. Our marketing intern, Savannah, was lucky enough to accompany us. Check out her experience in the photo essay below!
Summer NAMM came and went in Nashville, taking our ability to hear away with it. We can't even explain how loud it was in there. Positioned directly in front of the bass section, our booth felt more like a set piece on an episode of "Seinfeld". We found great solitude in a marvelous sound-proof box called The Whisper Room. We saw a lot of Dads in Hawaiian shirts losing their minds over the guitar selections surrounding them. It was a lot like Comic-Con for music aficionados. We had a front row seat for hundreds of jam sessions happening simultaneously, uniting first-timers with seasoned musicians, in a noodling euphoria. We saw some Guitar-Jos, purple Euphoniums, and a virtual reality drum kit. Enjoy our Summer NAMM experience in the photos below.
Original Fuzz headquarters for the weekend.
Bass slapping as heard on the "Seinfeld" theme song.
Little NAMMers jamming.
Cool Winds.
These people had the right idea.
Roam if you want to!
NAMM Fashion.
Christmas in June.
All hail the Whisper Room.
See ya next year, NAMM! Thanks to Savannah Coursey for documenting our time at Summer NAMM 2016.