Recipe: The Saint Reviver
We know a lot of you play guitar in bands and that a lot of times that happens in bars where sometimes you might have a little too much to drink. So this month we thought we'd introduce a recipe designed by our own Brit Hessler to cure any hangover. We call it a Saint Reviver. Try it at home and let us know what you think.
Step 1
Fill up a glass with ice.
Step 2
Add a shot of apple cider vinegar. It needs to be unpasteurized. You shouldn’t be drinking Heinz. We recommend Bragg’s.
Step 3
Add an equal ratio of Topo Chico and La Croix. We recommend Peach Pear, Grapefruit, and Mango La Croix.
Step 4
Add a lime wedge. Squeeze it out into the beverage and then drop it in the glass.
Step 5
Add a lemon wedge. Squeeze it out into the beverage and then drop it in the glass.
Enjoy. Let the healing begin.