Podcast Episode #36: Infinity Cat Records
We're joined this episode by Ale Delgado, label manager for Infinity Cat. Based in our hometown of Nashville, Infinity Cat is one of the best little indie labels in the country. It was started by the brothers of JEFF The Brotherhood, Jake and Jamin Orrall, along with their dad, Robert Ellis Orrall (aka Bob the Fatherhood), who's an accomplished Nashville songwriter in his own right.
Home to some of our favorite Nashville bands like JEFF the Brotherhood, Daddy Issues, Music Band, Faux Ferocious, Jawws, and Diarrhea Planet, Infinity Cat is also a crucial link between Nashville and the larger rock and roll scene with releases from artists like Colleen Green, Honey Joy, and Jaill.
If you're not already familiar with what Infinity Cat is putting out, Ale has you covered with a playlist of some of her favorite Infinity Cat releases.
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Music On This Episode:
- "Dream Theatre Dream" by JEFF the Brotherhood from The Boys R Back In Town, 2008
- "Lemon" by Daddy Issues from Deep Dream, 2017
- "Bob Dylan's Grandma" by Diarrhea Planet from Turn to Gold, 2016
- "Between the Lines" by Colleen Green from Colleen Green, 2016
- "Green Lights" by Music Band from Wake Up Laughing,
- "Done" by Honey Joy from Honey Joy, 2017
- "Grass Stain" by Cross Country from Trials, 2016
D. Boone, the original infinity cat...
This feature is brought to you by Original Fuzz, the creativity outfitters. We believe it's not what you do, but how you do it. Read more articles in this month's magazine.