Above the Fold

A digital 'zine by Original Fuzz about creativity and making stuff.

★  Jul 26, 2024  ★

A Critical Analysis of Millennial Fashion in 2018 as Exemplified at Forecastle Festival

Featured photo for A Critical Analysis of Millennial Fashion in 2018 as Exemplified at Forecastle Festival

The concept for this article began when we got passes to this summer's Forecastle Fest in Louisville, KY. With high hopes of saying, "Hello," to some artists who wear our straps and catch a few shows, our angle to cover The Fest quickly, and unexpectedly, turned into something else.

It was there, in-between the dusty LED lights and the weed-plume haze of the "Party Grove," that we stood agape and witnessed the darkest, deepest consequences of the fashion industry. We had to ask ourselves, after we escaped eye-contact from suspicious teenagers, "Did we dress like this? Could we have dressed like this if we wanted to? Are we really this old? What has the Internet done? Where do we go from here? Is the Hunger Games franchise prophetic when it comes to clothing?"

Jokes aside, we thought you should know what the kids (at least in Kentucky) are wearing these days. Because, at the very least, how can we help ourselves if we don't know where to start? Here's my Sartorialist approach to the Internet degenerates—my generation—the almighty Millennials and their summer style. 

Millennials at Forecastle Festival wearing sports jerseys 2018.

Kentucky—home of the bluegrass and actual bandanas as tops. Also, sportswear is big this summer. Sports!

Millennials at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

Another sports fan seen taking a photo of his girlfriends—the fanny pack mob.

Millennials at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

Beat the heat this summer by wearing just your underwear, but don't forget your boots and socks.

Millennials at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

More sports!

Millennials with a braid at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

I actually love this braided up-do with gold hoops. The body glitter is where I draw the line. For the fishes!

Millennials at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

More braids, more buns.

Millennials at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

Finally spotted some very chic tie-dye at a summer festival. 

Millennials at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.


Fat Guy at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

The ultimate! Skin is so trendy right now.

Millennials taking a selfie at Forecastle Festival in Louisville, KY 2018.

Taking a selfie in queue for the Ferris Wheel, typical. Great shirt, though. 

Liz Earle is a millennial. She is also an occasional writer who likes fashion. You can find more of her fashion work at electricthreadshop.com. If you like this article, you'll love the rest of this month's issue. Find it, here.