Who Played Guitar on David Bowie's "Let's Dance"?
Answer: Stevie Ray Vaughan.
It blew my mind to discover that SRV played on one of Bowie's best singles and my perennial karaoke favorite. I just assumed Bowie was way too cool to hang out with Steve Vaughan.
In most other contexts, I find Steve Ray Vaughan's king-of-the-white-boy-blues style unbearable, but on Let's Dance Bowie has expertly appropriated it and made it sexy. Typical Bowie, and totally cool. Another sweet move Bowie pulled was "playing" the guitar solo in the official video. Great artists steal, right?
The more you know.
SRV also rips on my favorite track on the album, "Cat People (Putting Out Fire)"
It is obvious that Lee knows very little about musicians. SRV is one of the greatest blues men to ever play. Bowie was a very talented musician in his own right. The fact that they both respected each other enough to collaborate shows there level of commitment to their art. The two cannot be compared due to the fact it would be like comparing apples to oranges. Put the two together, however, and you have a work of art that none have come close to. Show some respect and don’t talk I’ll of the dead. Go back to picking up the trash because you obviously are not a good music critic or even a half assed musician.
Every little bit of information on what I enjoy is a treat; thanks for troubling to share what you have here. As for the sad and unkind remarks, it comes with perceived anonymity and very little thought, I for one condemn the existence of it. Bowie was and remains great in his unique way; and no one can hurt a legacy like the one he left and you have expounded upon. Thanks again.
You obviously don’t know shit about music.