Above the Fold

A digital 'zine by Original Fuzz about creativity and making stuff.

★  Jul 26, 2024  ★

Glenn Danzig’s House

This piece is a part of our 2015 Nashville Trail Map. Check out all the points on the trail and download our hand-illustrated map here. R.I.P. Glenn Danzig’s House Glenn Danzig’s House was a notable house show venue in Nashville’s recent past. It supported a lot of the local bands that are still thriving today. … Continue reading Glenn Danzig’s House →

This piece is a part of our 2015 Nashville Trail Map. Check out all the points on the trail and download our hand-illustrated map here.

Diarrhea Planet at Glenn Danzig's house
Diarrhea Planet at Glenn Danzig’s house

R.I.P. Glenn Danzig’s House

Glenn Danzig’s House was a notable house show venue in Nashville’s recent past. It supported a lot of the local bands that are still thriving today. Here’s a brief interview with Evan Bird and Mike Boyle from Diarrhea Planet talking about the now-defunct house.

Evan: What’s the Street there? Allison and Southgate?

Mike: Allison and Southgate.

Evan: Yeah. Site of the former Glen Danzig’s house, Nashville’s premier house show venue, run by Ben Todd and Cy Barkley.

Mike: Uh huh.

Evan: No longer there.

Exterior view of the house
Exterior view of the house

Lee from OF: You guys play there?

Evan: Yeah we got a lot of our early start there. Those guys went to bat for us a lot harder than I would’ve if I had been in their shoes. I dunno. Believed in us from day one.

Lee from OF: Is that the best house venue you’ve ever played?

Mike: Yeah.

Evan: I’d say so.

Mike: Just a lot of people in Nashville appreciate that spot, I guess.

Evan: That was kind of the heart of the house show scene at that time.

Mike: A lot of people that are still doing stuff in town now met each other there.

Lee from OF: What’s filling the void now?

Evan: Nothing really has yet. There’s been a lot of people that have carried the torch house-show wise but it’s never quite been as, I don’t know, it’s never seemed quite as effortless as when there were house shows happening there. Biggest problem in my life when I think of that time was just getting there on time. You know what I mean?

Mike: (Laughs). Or being aware that you had a show that night.

Evan: It’s kind of the epitome of I’m young, I’m invincible, I’m in college.

Evan: That period in DP, the biggest problem I could have ever fathomed was, like, I hope there’s enough strings on my guitar. There’s something so, I don’t know, innocent about that. About those memories for me.

Bunch of youngsters
Bunch of youngsters

Lee from OF: When was the golden age?

Evan: Golden age for DP? Came and went. 2010. We’re on the slide.

Lee from OF: No, no, no. Glenn Danzig’s house.

Evan: Uh. Golden age. Shoot.

Lee from OF: Was there like one year or two where it was peak Glenn Danzig?

MIke: 2010?

Evan: 2010 to…

Mike: It was like one year, right?

Evan: Had to have been longer than a year.

Mike: I don’t know.

Evan: 2010 to 2012?

Mike: I was talking to Cam about it. Seems like there were shows there every night. They did one show a month.

Evan: Yeah. I feel like I was there every night.

Southgate Ave & Allison Pl

Here’s a video that Tim Harringtone made for Vice featuring Glenn Danzig’s house in full bloom:


Contribution from Evan Bird and Mike BoyleEvan and Mike are member’s of Nashville’s own Diarrhea Planet. Find out where they’re playing next and check out there music at facebook.com/DiarrheaPlanet/.