Above the Fold

A digital 'zine by Original Fuzz about creativity and making stuff.

★  May 06, 2024  ★

Making It: Grady Wenrich of The Lonely Biscuits Goes Solo

This LA songwriter and proud owner of Hilly Krystal's tape machine talks about going solo and evolving as an artist to stay happy and inspired.

Featured photo for Making It: Grady Wenrich of The Lonely Biscuits Goes Solo

The Original Fuzz podcast, which we're now calling "Making It," is back with a fresh interview featuring songwriter Grady Wenrich.

Grady got his start in college with Nashville band The Lonely Biscuits. While that band quickly found some success and started touring non-stop, they began to feel like the "sound" that launched them no longer represented who they'd become. They were backed into a corner by their own success.

We talk to him about breaking through this to stay inspired and happy to make new things, his plans for a Western filmed on surfboards, and the greatest garage sale treasure we've ever heard of—$15 for Hilly Kristal's tape machine. That's a vintage Tascam the former owner of CBGB kept in his office to record soundchecks for the bands that were coming through. You know, bands like the Ramones, Television, Talking Heads, etc.

Grady's got some new solo tunes recorded on that epic tape machine and he just released a new video for his song, "Lemon Sun." The best place to keep up with his various projects is by following him on Instagram @gradyontheweb. Also, you can find him on Spotify and check out the new video for "Lemon Sun" below.

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A word from our sponsor:
This episode is brought to you by our new dog collars. Check 'em out if you've got a stylish pup that's a little bit cooler and different than all of the other dog park buddies.

Grady - "Lemon Sun" Official Video